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What are the emergency numbers in Hungary?
Anyone thinking about emigrating to Hungary, looking into
buying a house in Hungary
or already owning
real estate in Hungary
and living partly or wholly in Hungary enjoys a peaceful life and rarely thinks about the fact that something could happen.
However, in emergencies in particular, every minute may count when it comes to getting help from specialists quickly. It is therefore extremely important to know the main emergency numbers or at least have them within easy reach. Emergency number staff are trained to help the caller even in stressful situations or to send help to the house quickly.
Dialing the right emergency number directly can save valuable time and ensure quick and efficient deployment of emergency services or provide specific guidance from professionals in their field in the current situation to respond appropriately.
Knowing the emergency numbers is crucial to minimizing the risk of delays or mishandling.
It is not absolutely necessary to know the numbers by heart. It is also sufficient to have the numbers to hand or to have them saved as a preselection in your cell phone.
Here are the most important emergency numbers for Hungary. Unless otherwise stated, the numbers should be dialed directly and without an area code.
General Emergency Call (Segélyhívó Központ):112
The number 112 can be dialed in emergencies in Hungary and throughout Europe and connects the caller to the local rescue services, which then carry out a triage. If you do not speak Hungarian, it is advisable to dial 112, as the staff are often multilingual. You can also call here if you need the
National Rescue Service (Országos Mentőszolgálat)
an emergency doctor or rapid assistance from an ambulance
Police (Rendőrség): 107
Alternatively 112 for general emergency calls
General police cases can also be submitted online in English via
Fire department (Tűzoltóság): 105
For fires or other emergencies requiring the intervention of the fire department, such as flooding, alternatively 112
Rescue service (Mentőszolgálat): 104
The number is for the need for medical assistance or an ambulance, alternatively 112
Medical on-call service: 183
The number is for the on-call service for basic care for adults and children
Patient transportation: 1820
For ordering simple ambulance transportation. After prior notification, the doctor can also order simple ambulance transport at https://bsz.mentok,hu
Urgent ambulance transport: +36 1 2111 666
The number should also be dialed when organizing a
transport with ambulance service.
Hungarian Automobile Club (Magyar Autóklub): 188
Dial 188 if you are confronted with vehicle problems, breakdowns or other vehicle-related emergencies. It is a 24h emergency service.
Author: Dr. Peik Langerwisch
After graduating with a degree in business administration and a magna cum laude doctorate in management studies, the author worked for twenty years in global management consultancies and banks and has now been using his expertise to act as a real estate agent for real estate in Hungary for several years. He owns his own property in Hungary and spends a considerable part of the year in the country to serve clients and enjoy the beauty of the country.
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