Ungarn Immobilien

44075  Commercial properties

Liveable and lovable homes - fitted to the daily needs. It is a project work - the construction of 18 luxury flats - for sale in the inner part of Hévíz, close to the city center. Please contact our sales colleagues for more information! Hévíz property, Commercial properties.

Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien Ungarn Immobilien
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ort-city  City:Hévíz
preis-price  Price
630 000 €
grundstück-plot  Lot size:2870 m2
Liveable and lovable homes - fitted to the daily needs.
It is a project work - the construction of 18 luxury flats - for sale in the inner part of Hévíz, close to the city center.
Please contact our sales colleagues for more information!

  • Commercial properties
  • Hévíz property
  • Shopping area nearby
  • Thermal bath bearby

  • Canalization in the street
  • Electricity in the street
  • Gas connected
  • Water pipeline in the street

    From Lake Balaton:
    7,2 km, 11 min.